Das geheime Portal 2012

A Book about Men & Angels

Author's NOTE:

The German edition of this book was first published in 2012. But quite clairvoyantly it anticipates the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020/21.

This fantastic novel was inspired by decades of a German-Chinese friendship. I am grateful to my old pal K.K. Wong (Shanghai/New York) for sharing his enormous cultural knowledge. Without him I would have been just a faceless tourist and “Gweilo” in China, but thanks to his uncountable connections, I got to know a lot of different people there from actors over artists to simple workers. In addition I have to thank him for his infinite patience and help with the local lore and customs. It was he, K.K. Wong, who opened my eyes and my heart for this fantastic country and its diligent and zealous people.

zwei nackte Menschen vor beleuchtetem Portal
Das Geheime Portal - (The Secrete Portal)

Two million years ago Planet Earth was discovered by the trendscouts of an enormous intelligent alien species. These spirit beings, called “Legna” (read backwards: “Angel”) were always and everywhere in the universe on the lookout for interesting host bodies which they could use to gain experience in the world of physical matter. They chose the human race and many thousands of years later every human being was unknowingly inhabited by one of these Legna.
Then all of a sudden something happened that could have put an end to all the fun and awesome time which the Legna spent in their human bodies.   
Together with numerous beautiful artifacts a dangerous virus was brought to light in Lintong during the excavation work of the Terracotta-Army of Qin Shi Huang, the first Chinese emperor. It spread multiplied and mutated. Unless the Legna could stop its spreading, the human race was doomed and with it all the fun that the Legna had in their fantastic human host bodies. So they chose “Reganam” (read backwards: “Manager”) one of their best to deal with the problem. In the body of a German scientist he was sent to China to look for a viable method to fight the deadly virus.

                                                             MEDIA REPORTS

Straubinger Wochenblatt Teil 1 und  Teil 2(13.06.2012) - Passauer Neue Presse  Feuilleton (19.07.2012) - Straubinger Tagblatt (20.07.2012) Straubinger Tagblatt (21.07.2012)
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